Open Bar: Viola Lee Blues
In an act of either pure faith or, more likely, [...]
Open Bar: Meta Fretting
Worry trails me like a stalker, patient enough to strike [...]
Open Bar: I’m Not Hangry, I’m Just H-Emotional
Active, perhaps to a psychotic or at least problematic extent, [...]
Open Bar: Ready For The Cameos
Undeniable beauty is what drew me to this locale, but [...]
Open Bar: Fashion and Passion
It is impossible to transmit, in words or any other [...]
Open Bar: Aggression, Regression, and Progression
In the lee of a gnarly election cycle, in the [...]
Open Bar: Snow-bow
Destinations are not merely geographic, The right moment is ripe [...]
Open Bar: Mementos and Memory
My garage is currently hosting multiple ghosts. It is a [...]
Open Bar: Come And Get Some Pancakes
This is my last column preceding the third or fourth [...]
Open Bar: Brightness and Buoyancy
Gravity’s force roots us into the Earth and into ourselves, [...]
Open Bar: Impermanence and Transcendence
Tying my trail running shoes in the frosty morning, shivering [...]
Open Bar: Eye Contact And Its Absence
To see is to make another feel seen. Reciprocity is [...]
Open Bar: On Doldrums and Clarity of Purpose
In the oceanic journey of life, I had been lately [...]
Open Bar: Rooster Tales
The drive to Chukar is no joke, certainly not a [...]
Open Bar: Dead Reckoning
Reckonings are fearsome, but inevitable. To come to peace with [...]
Open Bar: Exile on Wilhelminastraat
Walking through an unfamiliar passage, harder and harder to find [...]
Open Bar: The Daily Paper Route
One of the immense joys and intentions of an extended [...]
Open Bar: Parental Doubts
As soon as school let out, Violet and I hightailed [...]
Open Bar: Of Trail Fairies And Grumps
Arteries and capillaries, carrying lifeblood like so many Paths of [...]
Open Bar: Touts Come In Many Guises
From its inception as a recreational playground, this Valley’s rampant [...]
Open Bar: The Wedding Attendee’s Guide To Life
With my best friend’s wedding taking place last November in [...]
Open Bar: Murmurs of a Manifesto
Tensions are building, mounting upon decades of friction. The social [...]
Open Bar: Just Peachy
Luscious and succulent, the fruit causes the Limb to sag [...]
Open Bar: Momentum and the Ten Minute Problem
Given the immutable laws of astrophysics, we are all only [...]
Open Bar: Carpool Music Appreciation
Life can beat you down if you let it, if [...]
Open Bar: Say It Before It Is Too Late
As the life support machines beep their cryptic signals, as [...]
Open Bar: If You Have To Say It
There is an apocryphal story in our family, a tale [...]
Open Bar: Papa’s Patrimony
Stepping into a new set of bindings, ones attached to [...]
Open Bar: Lullaby and Alarm Clock
Low tide means that the moon’s gravity Is at an [...]
Open Bar: Doctoring The Forecast
Backcountry skiing has given me more than it has taken, [...]
Open Bar: The Point Of It All
As war again rages at the geographical confluence of several [...]
Open Bar: Sourcing Other Words For Sorry
Deeply flawed as we all are, there are infinite mistakes [...]
Open Bar: Counterpoise and Twin Impulses
Every molecule, every thought, every movement, everything exists inextricably from [...]
Open Bar: Time To Think
Headphones in, cranking tunes, with a bounce in my step, [...]
Open Bar: Left Hand On The Wheel
Awaiting the ubiquity of the self-driving automobile, a revolution long-promised [...]
Open Bar: Mealtime
The menu abounds with tantalizing options But I only have [...]
Open Bar: Shuttle Diplomacy Does Not Work
Enlightenment is a burden. Since having my eyes opened to [...]
Open Bar: Vernacular of a Professional, Ski Bum
There are very few people, if any, that hear my [...]
Open Bar: Permanent Vacation Means Never Retiring
With only mild reluctance, I have returned to the Valley [...]
Open Bar: The Winds at Sant Joven
Staring at the water is to face A timeless breeze [...]
Open Bar: Hostel, Not Hostile
When my ex-wife Lauren and I got married, we had [...]
Open Bar: Avenue Foch
She giggled when she called out The next street on [...]
Open Bar: Warsaw – Grandeur and Ghetto
With a homebase on the Continent, there are an overwhelming [...]
Open Bar: Colonial Cuisine
Descending from our apartment at 36 Rue Ballu into Place [...]
Open Bar: A Grand Adventure
Violet and I have decamped to Paris for the summer. [...]
Open Bar: Writing With Restraint Is Boring
I can write short sentences. I can write with basic [...]
Open Bar: Pyramids and Progress
Life is a pyramid scheme and most of us are [...]
Open Bar: Down Valley Desires
Like most winter visitors to the Eagle River Valley, especially [...]
Open Bar: Eavesdropping Is A Pleasure
Seated across from my dining companion, my gaze is locked [...]
Open Bar: Zippers, Finesse, and Destruction
Ever since I transitioned from infant to toddler, I have [...]
Open Bar: Sunday Family Dinner
Blustery winds buffet the expansive windows as snow piles up [...]
Open Bar: Ascetics and Aesthetics
The basic requirements for happiness are within reach: the offering [...]
Open Bar: Coffee, Consumption, and Change
As we trod through the myriad stalls of Borough Market, [...]
Open Bar: Hunky Dory and Other Illusions
Approaching slumber with an exhausted body And a full brain, [...]
Open Bar: No Headphones In The Hot Tub
Ensconced as we are in mountain suburbia, perhaps we have [...]
Open Bar: Nothing Matters Except What Matters
We are on a gargantuan rock, hurtling at speeds that [...]
Open Bar: Seeking Safe Harbor
This Valley will keep you young, if it doesn’t kill [...]
Open Bar: Empathy And Its Limitations
At the risk of concerning my mother by reciting good [...]
Open Bar: The Dishwasher Conundrum
My friend Johnny, besides being a lights-out barista, compassionate human, [...]
Open Bar: Rum for Reparations
To the extent that this country still has any luster, [...]
Open Bar: A Decade In The Making
Ten uninterrupted years have passed since my first Open Bar [...]
Open Bar: Meeting Life Where It Is
I am exceedingly fortunate to have biking buddies and ski [...]
Open Bar: The Waldorf To My Statler
Perched seemingly perpetually on the balcony, with the setting sun [...]
Open Bar: Short Memories
Not to be too risqué in a family publication, but [...]
Open Bar: Spectres
His car sits idle in the driveway Waiting for an [...]
Open Bar: Drowning Out That Which Is Important
Trucking into the left-hander followed by the little rock garden [...]
Open Bar: Novel Means of Adjudication
Dexter shuffled restlessly in his seat, a wooden contraption contrived [...]
Open Bar: Piercing The Veil
Some joker stole my gravel bike last week. As any [...]
Open Bar: Explanations, But Not Excuses
It may come as some surprise to you but I, [...]
Open Bar: Future Vision
Enshrouded in mist and mystery, removed physically and temporally, the [...]
Open Bar: Roland The Doughnut Dude
Roland sells doughnuts. Or, rather, he is the intermediary through [...]
Open Bar: In Search Of Chill
Chill I am repeatedly told as if It were so [...]
Open Bar: I’m Late
“I’m late.” The words echoed off the mahogany paneling of [...]
Open Bar: La Langue Est Dans Mon Sang
Alighting at the Gare du Midi, stepping out into the [...]
Open Bar: Compartments
With our eyes we see outward, take in the external [...]
Open Bar: Enough is Enough
You are enough. Enough is not a minimum benchmark, it [...]
Open Bar: Barter Economy
Ski towns, despite the strong push for modernization, retain vestigial [...]
Open Bar: Mall People
Pronounced in a certain fashion It sounds more like mole [...]
Open Bar: Comfortable With The Crew
I am a sucker for Instagram marketing. Despite being intellectually [...]
Open Bar: In My Eyes
Her footsteps on the stairs are my cue to assume [...]
Open Bar: The Wax Room
Huddled in small groups, conversing in halting politeness, it was [...]
Open Bar: Degrees of Difficulty
As the first slivers of dawn creep up the mountainside, [...]
Open Bar: My Father Walks Too Fast
Hemmed in at all sides by throngs of pedestrians, the [...]
Open Bar: Rent Is Due
“Workers of the world, unite!” The admonition, the plea, the [...]
Open Bar: It’s Casual
Casual is for slacks Worn by unfashionable drones On the [...]
Open Bar: Cast of Characters
The handsome graying of his beard is a physical manifestation [...]
Open Bar: In The Vernacular
I catch an appropriate amount of flack for the high-minded, [...]
Open Bar: Act Your Age
My best friend is nine years old. Our camaraderie is [...]
Open Bar: Remain in Confidence
No matter how far or how high, my bike always [...]
Open Bar: Periwinkle Typewriter
The hisses and crackles emanating from the burning pine and [...]
Open Bar: Seven Missing Dimensions
Subtlety and humility are not characteristics of this age. Turned [...]
Open Bar: Poseidon and His Ego
With the oceans as his domain, Poseidon had free reign [...]
Open Bar: Culinary Transportation
Stealthily, the plate is placed in front of me and [...]
Open Bar: Dreaming Of A Life’s Work
On the drive up the hill for family dinner, Violet [...]
Open Bar: Seeking The Correct Combination
Predestination never enthused me as a concept: abdicating responsibility for [...]
Open Bar: Binary Bumbling…And The Third Option
Society craves categorization, wants a convenient way to distill complex [...]
Open Bar: Be Free From The Tyranny Of Goals
The 4Runner crawled admirably, if roughly, as its tires articulated [...]
Open Bar: Guerilla Tactics
The early morning fog hung heavily upon the expanse, presaging [...]
Open Bar: The Circle Remains Unbroken
The tiles were full of animation, of expectation, of elation. [...]
Open Bar: When The End Comes
The machines beeped and whirred and annoyed, cicadas of the [...]
Open Bar: Don’t Be Stupid, Be Silly
Shenanigans abound as we round out the ski season. The [...]
Open Bar: The Dingbat Industrial Complex
As Pepi took his fabled powder run down the interminable [...]
Open Bar: Get To The Point
The flowery nature of my writing has drawn criticism from [...]
Open Bar: Consider The Children
My neighborhood is gloriously awash in children; their peals and [...]
Open Bar: Rest For The Weary
Typically locked into the rhythm of a zipper line, I [...]
Open Bar: Low Tide Blues
I consume quite a bit of ski media. Coffee table [...]
Open Bar: Teachers Are Amazing
From preschool at the local YMCA straight through to law [...]
Open Bar: The Irrelevance Of Facts
We are currently hurtling through space at an absurd speed, [...]
Open Bar: A Diary Entry
Dear Diary, 2020 was so mean to me. I mean, [...]
Open Bar: Always Take The High Road
Family dinners in my clan are epic affairs, not just [...]
Open Bar: A Little Turn On The Catwalk
Cavalier enough to ignore the sage advice to download the [...]
Open Bar: Be Kind To Your Future Self
Milestones, while temporally predictable, are nonetheless arbitrary as they concern [...]
Open Bar: Steal Your Face Right Off Your Head
The MARTA train doors hissed open, revealing a scene of [...]
Open Bar: The Limits Of Equanimity
Dichotomies define my existence. Jewish and Catholic, reckless and disciplined, [...]
Open Bar: Edge Of Vision
The surrounding foliage is an aureate blur in my periphery [...]
Open Bar: The Long View
I have long struggled to shed my childhood penchant for [...]
Open Bar: The Peanut Gallery
His face cast in the iridescent glow of several late-model [...]
Open Bar: Bravery Comes In Many Forms
Flames torching the willing tinder with more ferocity than even [...]
Open Bar: Us And Them
There is a divide rising in this community, one that [...]
Open Bar: On Forward Motion
The hammock is strung up close to the burbling brook, [...]
Open Bar: History Through A Future Lens
Despite Fukuyama’s premature pronouncement, we have decidedly not reached the [...]
Open Bar: The Time For Mediation
This is a time for compassion. This is a time [...]
Open Bar: The Bystander
Oblivious, he set out for his usual evening stroll. The [...]
Open Bar: Requiem For An Irreplaceable Soul
Sky blue eyes twinkling with mischief and love, a massive [...]
Open Bar: The Renaissance Begins With Patience
Faced with a crisis of indeterminate length, our inclination is [...]
Open Bar: The Inverse Golden Rule
This is a community of givers, of doers, of the [...]
Open Bar: Deconstructing The Material Logic Of My Home
Happily quarantined chez nous, Violet and I have systematically moved [...]
Open Bar: Micro Squabbles In A Macro World
As a relentless optimist, I am prone to visions of [...]
T.J. Again Named Colorado Super Lawyers Rising Star
Alpenglow Law, LLC founding partner T.J. Voboril has been selected [...]
Open Bar: Leave It At The Front Door
She was a social creature. You couldn’t walk with her [...]
COVID-19 2020: Alpenglow Law Is Here For You
Friends, Clients, Colleagues, and Community Members, As we stand on [...]
Open Bar: Bad And Other Assorted Apples
We eat a lot of apples in our house. Violet [...]
Open Bar: Think Small To Live Big
As the flakes continue to fall, the vertical feet passing [...]
Open Bar: Girl Power
The normally loquacious gaggle of girls was surprisingly quiet as [...]
Open Bar: Good News Or No News
My family operates on a strict “no news is good [...]
Open Bar: Helping Hands And Hate Speech
Unbeknownst to the reveling hordes that descended this holiday season, [...]
Open Bar: A Grassroots Art Movement
On a monochrome evening, we descended the steep staircase of [...]
Open Bar: Christmakkah: A Celebration Of Mixed Traditions
Millennia of interreligious bloodshed has instilled a distrust between factions [...]
Open Bar: A Blip On Life’s Radar
Crises have a way of warping the space-time continuum. The [...]
Open Bar: The Difference Between Can And Should
Owing to a pernicious case of pinkeye, I just spent [...]
Open Bar: On Raising A Town
I am not mad, I am just disappointed. With parental [...]
Open Bar: A Majority Of Minorities
America’s self-mythology - that doctrine of exceptionalism that undergirds so [...]
Open Bar: The Gapless Generations
Papa was a proud man, a hard-working man, a provider, [...]
Open Bar: It Doesn’t Pay To Be Nice
There is a disturbing, albeit limited, truth in the maxim [...]
Open Bar: Nothing Else Matters
Take your index and middle fingers and reach for your [...]
Open Bar: Wanderlust And The Comforts Of Home
With a faint chill in the morning air, kids rowdy [...]
Open Bar: A Patchwork Quilt Of Stubbornness
She stood there with her arms crossed and I could [...]
Open Bar: A Flag For All
Grains of sand whipped his face, a sting preferable to [...]
Open Bar: Be An Ally Every Day
If you visited any major metropolitan area in June, you [...]
Open Bar: A Life At Sea
We are born from water and to water we will [...]
Open Bar: Pennywise And Pound Foolish
The gorgeous couple was backlit by a neon ombre sunset, [...]
Open Bar: The Destructive Nature Of Criticism
Maneuvering through this complex, fearsome, fascinating society requires self-survival techniques [...]
Open Bar: The Head Versus The Heart
There are things that we think we know, of which [...]
Open Bar: Close Calls And Open Arms
With a sidelong glance and a big grin, she blasts [...]
Open Bar: The Radness Of Being Uncool
With an effortless gait, he ambled onto the sun-drenched patio, [...]
Open Bar: The Power Of No
The toddler is strapped into her high chair, an applesauce [...]
T.J. Again Named Colorado Super Lawyers Rising Star
Attorney T.J. Voboril, a founding partner of local law firm [...]
Open Bar: As Ego, We Go
Humans are a comical bunch. We wear clothes to shield [...]
Open Bar: Seek The Common Ground
Eschewing the solitude of the singles line, I moseyed into [...]
Open Bar: Mediation Reduces Friction
The headlamp beam illuminated the tails of the skis in [...]
Open Bar: Hospitality Without Absurdity
The general manager of a luxury hotel once explained to [...]
Open Bar: Words Still Have Meaning
We float on a sea of words, are buffeted by [...]
Open Bar: The Promises Of The Season
Records are meant to be broken, but promises are supposed [...]
Open Bar: Everything Is Everything
The human brain is a complex computer that far outpaces [...]
Open Bar: Lean On Us, When You’re Not Strong
The last of the turkey and cranberry and andouille sausage [...]
Open Bar: Appreciation For Sacrifice
The student body sat rapt and respectful as the veterans [...]
Open Bar: No Representation Without Participation
Packed into a sweltering hall during the entirety of the [...]
Open Bar: Do We Need A Cataclysm?
The tectonic plates of our fractured country shift and grind [...]
Open Bar: Reunited And It Feels So Good
Stepping off the plane at Hartsfield, the nostalgia hit me [...]
Open Bar: Put Your Problems In Context
You sit bolt upright, clocking that you set your phone [...]
Open Bar: Oh! The Nerves
The dates on the calendar blaze with fluorescent intensity, pulsing [...]
Open Bar: Shouting Fire In A Crowded Theater
Eighth-grade social studies class. A sea of gangly limbs, bad [...]
Open Bar: The 66-Second Minute
Violet postdates the Sumerians and Babylonians by many millennia, so [...]
T.J. on TV – Eagle Valley Land Trust
T.J. continued his "media tour" with a stop by TV8 [...]
T.J. On The Radio – Eagle Valley Land Trust
For your listening pleasure, here is Alpenglow Law founding partner [...]
Open Bar: The Mountain Metropolis
Success has its burdens. The founders of our burgh were [...]
Open Bar: Be Polite To Your Electronic Servants
Like Voldemort, hers is the name that should not be [...]
Open Bar: The Pronouns Of Inclusion
The ostrich’s head is buried deep in the sand, a [...]
Open Bar: Hang Loose, Dude
The storm clouds of deep frustration appear at the edge [...]
Open Bar: The Selfless Leader
The words flowing from her mouth were all the more [...]
Open Bar: Restless Brain Syndrome
For as much as I enjoy normal modes of conversation, [...]
T.J. Voboril Named Colorado Super Lawyers Rising Star For Sixth Consecutive Year
Attorney T.J. Voboril, a founding partner of local law firm [...]
Open Bar: Your Reputation Precedes You
The gala started thirty-five minutes ago and you are still [...]
Open Bar: Bombs On His Block
His favorite café used to be located on this boulevard; [...]
Open Bar: A Deafening Silence
The swish of our skins gliding on the refrozen snow [...]
Open Bar: In Praise Of The Homegrown
A snowy winter Saturday night and the Valley crackles with [...]
Open Bar: Friends On A Powder Day
The hoo-dee-hoos and catcalls echo through the trees, their branches [...]
T.J. on TV – Edwards Rotary Club
T.J. Voboril, Partner at Alpenglow Law and Immediate Past President/Communications [...]
Open Bar: The Allure Of Bad Decisions
The difference between life and death, failure and success is [...]
Open Bar: A Lone Pine
The lush brown soil parted ever so slightly, a sapling [...]
Open Bar: To Be Vulnerable Is To Be Human
The biological impulse that charges through me anytime it snows [...]